Our Auxiliaries

Epworth Medical Foundation is supported by two key auxiliaries, made up of volunteers who raise funds for and support Epworth HealthCare patients.

Heartbeat Epworth

What is Heartbeat Epworth?

Our Heartbeat Epworth volunteers provide emotional support to patients on the ward. As most volunteers have experienced heart disease themselves, they offer patients a unique level of understanding and empathy.

How do Heartbeat Epworth volunteers support patients?

As well as providing essential emotional support to patients, Heartbeat Epworth has been an extraordinary success and our wonderful volunteers have raised more than $2 million to help cardiac patients at Epworth.

How to volunteer with Heartbeat Epworth?

If you have experienced heart disease and would like to share your health journey with other patients, contact Vanessa Dannock at Epworth Medical Foundation. Her details are below.

Friends of Epworth

Who are Friends of Epworth?

The Friends of Epworth volunteers help raise money for new mothers, bubs and their families in our Epworth maternity care services, ensuring each child receives the best start in life.

How do Friends of Epworth volunteers support patients?

Friends of Epworth runs numerous fundraising events throughout the year, including the Epworth Race Day.

How to volunteer or donate handmade goods?

We're always looking for additional volunteers, and also for anyone who would like to knit blankets, teddy bears, baby clothes and more. These donated handmade goods are sold at Epworth hospitals, with all proceeds going towards the care of patients.

If you would like to volunteer, or donate handmade goods, contact Vanessa Dannock at Epworth Medical Foundation. Her details are below.

Get involved

To learn more, contact Vanessa Dannock today.

Philanthropy Manager

Vanessa Dannock

Contact Vanessa Dannock today for more information.


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