You enable our researchers to pursue medical breakthroughs

80% of research at Epworth happens thanks to philanthropic grants. It means world-class researchers can focus on solving pressing issues affecting our patients, with more than 250 research projects funded in priority areas such as cancer, cardiac care and obstetrics.

Why does research matter?

If there is a better way to treat and care for our patients, then Epworth wants to provide it.

Research is the key to life-saving breakthroughs. Testing new treatments, or investigating early detection methods, can change the course of serious diseases.

When research happens here, it also means Epworth patients can benefit from the latest medical advances. Just recently, Epworth became the first hospital in the world to implant a new male contraceptive at Epworth Freemasons, through the philanthropic E.J. Whitten Prostate Cancer Research Centre.

Epworth believes that the more we understand, the better we can care for our patients and thanks to our philanthropists, 80% of research is funded by philanthropic grants
PROF Miles Prince AM
Centre Director, Epworth Centre for Immunotherapies and Snowdome Laboratories

Epworth Centres of Excellence

Philanthropy has enabled Epworth to launch dedicated centres of excellence combining clinical care, patient experience, education and research.

How you can enable research at Epworth

If you would like to make a donation towards research into a particular clinical area or an Epworth Centre of Excellence, contact Kathryn Johnston today.

Donor Relations Manager

Kathryn Johnston

Contact Kathryn about major giving opportunities, leaving a gift in your Will, establishing an endowment and naming and recognition opportunities.

Jreissati Pancreatic Centre

On a mission to boost pancreatic cancer survival

The Jreissati Pancreatic Centre at Epworth is the only centre of its kind in Australia. It exists to improve the heartbreaking outcomes for pancreatic cancer. Less than 13% of people diagnosed in Australia survive 5 years.

Dr Caroline Le PhD leads the research program, and says it wouldn’t be possible without the EMF community.

“Philanthropy turned this big idea into a thriving specialist centre. Through our research program, we’re now able to provide patients with an additional form of radiotherapy they otherwise would not have access to.” - Dr Caroline Le PhD

News and stories

Ways to donate 

There are many ways you can make make a difference and help enable the best possible care for patients at Epworth.


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