Why choose regular giving?

While a regular gift means you can break down your donation into manageable pieces, it also means so much to Epworth. It is one of the best ways to support our hospitals because it allows us to plan ahead, ready for the next urgent need.

By giving regularly, you will join us as a Patient Care Partner. You become part of a special group of like-minded people. Together, Patient Care Partners purchase essential equipment so Epworth staff have everything they need to provide the very best patient care.

The regular giving process

Step 1

Select ‘Regular’ and add in your details

Step 2

Every four weeks, your nominated amount will be allocated to improving patient care at Epworth.

Step 3

You receive annual updates of your impact, and a tax receipt in July to easily track donations for the end of financial year.
Regular donation

Helping Epworth rehab patients reach their recovery goals

Physiotherapist Jacquie is part of the amazing team at Epworth Hawthorn, helping patients get to best function with diagnoses like Parkinson’s disease, or recover from trauma and injury.

Together, the continued generosity of Patient Care Partners purchased a new Pilates table, chair and upper body bike. Jacquie can now prescribe exercise with greater variety and challenges for long-stay rehab patients.

“The feedback we have received from patients has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the care we deliver.” - Jacquie

As a Patient Care Partner, you receive:

  • Regular updates on the impact your donation is making
  • An annual tax receipt in July each year
  • Invitations to special Epworth events
  • A visit from a Foundation staff member if you are ever admitted to hospital, if possible
  • An annual report on the equipment purchased with thanks to our Patient Care Partners.
Every patient at Epworth benefits from the impact of philanthropy.
Scott Bulger
Executive Director, Epworth Medical Foundation

Become a regular giver today

If you would like to learn more about the impact of regular giving at Epworth, contact Sally-Anne Raher today.

Direct Marketing Specialist

Sally-Anne Raher

Ways to donate


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