Your gift today will help purchase a Belmont Rapid Infuser R1-2 to administer lifesaving transfusions to our patients

When the difference between life and death is measured in minutes, it’s critical to have a machine that can be set up within a minute and delivers warm blood or other life-saving fluids to a patient’s veins within seconds.

The Belmont Rapid Infuser R1-2 is designed for just this situation.

Please make a gift today to purchase a Belmont Rapid Infuser R1-2 to deliver lifesaving blood to our patients.

The Belmont Rapid Infuser R1-2 is used wherever there is a possibility of the patient experiencing rapid blood loss. It’s used in trauma situations and during obstetric emergencies where swift replacement of blood products is necessary to save the mother’s life.

It is also used in a range of complex surgeries such as liver transplant surgery, aneurysm repairs and vascular surgery.

”Fortunately, we have not had to use this emergency equipment too many times, but it is essential to have for those times when it is necessary.” Sally McKnight, Associate Director of Perioperative Services at Epworth Eastern.

We must have the best equipment available to treat our patients safely and quickly.

Their lives depend on it.

Please make a gift today to help purchase the Belmont Rapid Infuser R1-2 to deliver lifesaving blood to our patients.


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