He would be very proud to know that this gift will help other patients like him in the future.

Kenneth and Eleanor Lo were married for 50 years. They loved travelling together, and after Kenneth retired from his career as a Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong, they travelled extensively throughout Europe. Kenneth and Eleanor particularly enjoyed river cruises and the European backdrop provided a perfect opportunity for Kenneth to pursue his passion for photography.

Sadly, in 2016, Kenneth was diagnosed with myeloma and was cared for at Epworth.

“We were very grateful for the support of all of the nurses and doctors at Epworth. It was very important to Kenneth that he recognised their care in some way so he decided to leave a gift to Epworth in his Will to establish the Kenneth and Eleanor Lo Equipment Fund,” reflects Eleanor.

“He would be very proud to know that this gift will help other patients like him in the future.”

Every year, funds from the Kenneth and Eleanor Lo Equipment Endowment Fund will be used to purchase the latest surgical equipment, such as state-of-the-art microscopes, providing our surgeons with magnified vision to perform delicate and intricate surgeries.

To learn more about endowments at Epworth click here or contact Vanessa Dannock, Philanthropy Manager.


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